【 トランサープレス ・ 無酸化ロー付け炉 ・ 縦型樹脂成形 】 一貫生産プレス加工の泰東工業株式会社






Centering around Dies manufactured by the use of cutting-edge equipment, Taito manufactures products with high-rigidity AIDA stamping machines.

High-accuracy mold design/production

We complete metal parts designed rapidly by the latest CAD/CAM with high accuracy. We manufacture high-rigidity molding without variation due to manual finishing by a craftsman.

High-rigidity and High-accuracy Progressive Stamping machine

AIDA-made Press Working machines such as UL model as well as VL and PMX are used according to the product. We also have established the system that everyone can make accurate measurement of products that are high-rigidity and produced at rapid speed per production lot by using specialized digital gauge in the press scene.

Always keep Dies at its best condition

In order to keep the best condition all the time, we conduct regular maintenance as well as the one at failure. While measuring the dimensions of the mold before and after repairing the mold, we keep the important parts of important products as “ideal shape”.

Precision measurement for pressed products

After a product is checked its quality in the pressing scene, it is measured further for detailed dimensions with image processing measurement machine and a three-dimensional measurement machine by a professional engineer.

Precision measurement for completed products

Completed products which went through heat-processing and facial-processing are also measured as a final inspection just like an after-press product by a professional engineer to deliver it to a customer.

Taito acquired ISO9001 and established integrated quality management system from mold design/production to completed products centered around TPM.

  • ISO9001

  • TPM Challenge Award